
  • Links to Christian publishers

  • Links to fundamentalist Christian homeschooling

  • “…a library of free teacher resources for high school, middle school, and elementary curriculums”

  • Resources from a Christian perspective (i.e., a biblical worldview), collected by Katherine Loop

  • "…an association of elementary and secondary schools working to promote the transmission of the culture of the Christian West to the next generation through the Classical Core CurriculumTM, which focuses on the content study of history, literature, and the great ideas, with an emphasis on basic skills and the liberal arts, and a special emphasis on the study of Latin."

  • A leader’s worldview affects all that they say, do, and think. When it comes to the development of the school’s curriculum, there is no way to approach the task without it being impacted by one’s worldview. Therefore, it is essential that leaders first recognize their bias and address the influence of their individual perspectives.

    Every teacher teaches from a point of view, a point of view determined by his fundamental convictions, philosophical, theological, psychological, scientific, and so on. Those convictions are not something separate from his education, but are shaped by it as it is shaped by them. An atheist sees history, and everything else, differently than a theist; and his atheism may be the result of his education or may simply confirm what his education has taught him.[1]
  • “…advances Christian education and supports schools in their task of teaching students to know God and His world and to glorify Him through obedient service”

  • "Each subject of study includes 4 major strands. Each strand includes the discipline’s philosophy, biblical foundations, understandings / attitudes / outcomes, and activities / ideas / questions" by Mark Eckel

  • "…a Comparative Worldview Curriculum for kids and teens" because "…the Christian youth exodus doesn't begin with teens, it begins with kids."

  • “…devoted to research and publishing in the field of Christian ethics” and offers free books and newsletters

  • “…seeks to cultivate minds and hearts that love God, their neighbor, and all that is true, good, and beautiful”

  • "Our mission is for every young person to know their intrinsic worth. …through free educational resources for parents and educators to download and use with their students."

  • "…developed to form authentic and integral Christian learning experiences that focus on seeing and living out God’s story" by the Prairie Centre for Christian Education

  • "Teaching for Transformation is a journey....We are passionate about and skilled at walking with school leadership and teachers—equipping them with the framework, the process, and the core practices needed to undertake this journey that will forever shape individuals and the entire school community."

  • As we look around us, we observe increasing moral decline. Changes in our society introduce us to philosophies that blatantly counter biblical principles. Humanism and relativism are making their way into the ideologies of school systems. "Faith in the moral autonomy of individuals has resulted in a society that has lost its moral moorings" (Van Brummelen, 1994). How can we resist these trends? Christian schools must take a closer look at what we are doing to prepare our students for living in a degenerating society. As Christian school educators in North America or in other parts of the world, we recognize that our students need to be equipped to face the opposition they will inevitably encounter as they become an active part of society. But what is Christian school education? How is a Christian school different from a public school or another private but wholly academic school? Are Christian schools showing evidence of the differences?

  • 在我们的社会中,学者、老师和助教老师身处变革的第一线。一些强大的力量正在影响着我们的孩子和青年。媒体和市场在争夺孩子和青年的注意力,也在抓住每一 个机会来塑造他们的感觉和决定。家长、同伴以及社会团体在不同且相冲突的方向上“抢夺”着他们。而在这其中,面对对自身角色各种不同的期望——这些期望甚 至是相冲突的,教育者深处挣扎之中。他们被期望能够帮助学生在不同中找到意义,对此做出合适的回应并为未来的不确定性做好准备。

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."

William Butler Yeats




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