The Handbook of Transformational Education

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Title:      The Handbook of Transformational Education
Categories:      Transformational education
BookID:      168
Authors:      Helen Purgason Vaughan
ISBN-10(13):      9781664278783
Publisher:      Westbow Press
Publication date:      2022-11-14
Number of pages:      306
Language:      Not specified
Price:      0.00
Rating:      0 
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Many of us teach because we believe our work could make a difference in a student's life. Sometimes that difference could amount to a true transformation, a life changed by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of living out and enjoying all that God intends for that life. But how does an educator do that? Does knowledge alone transform a student? Does a strong discipline plan or informal student-teacher relationships correlate with transformed lives? In the quest to understand how educators co-labor with the Holy Spirit as agents of transformation, The Handbook for Transformational Educational examines biblical principles, teaching methods, educational research, provocative questions and practices of transformational educators. In addition to being a practical ideas book, readers are challenged to dig deep into what might be the work God has called us to as transformational educators.

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