
  • The Western world generally regards religion as a marginalised affair of little or no relevance to public life. This paper argues that this assessment is correct and reflects a massive failure of Christian discipleship. Many churches have been so influenced by modern worldliness that they have lost key elements of Gospel distinctiveness. The paper examines both the secular influences and Biblical teaching in order to suggest first steps towards a re-establishment of effective Christian discipleship.

  • When was…

    1. The last time teachers in your congregation were publicly prayed for
    2. The last time current issues in education featured in a sermon
    3. The last time a teacher spoke about his/her work publicly in a service
    4. The last time a pupil spoke about his/her work publicly in a service
  • “a community of Christian scholars who encourage, equip, and engage for the glory of God”

  • “..facilitates the investigation of deeper engagement and responsibility in…culture, future, church, and gospel”

  • What would your church and pastor do if the superintendent of your local public school district walked in and said, “We want to turn the leadership of our public schools over to your church. You can teach anything you think is necessary to provide children a quality education. By the way, the government will fully fund the schools.” How would your church leadership team respond? You may be thinking that will never happen, but in some places in America, it is essentially happening.

  • Whats your church doingAn editorial from CARE UK asks this question, makes some interesting observations, and comes to a challenging conclusion.

    "… it is difficult to see how a church cannot both focus on it's own educational ministry and support those whose 'full-time ministry' is education in the classroom or lecture hall, not least when you consider the significant impact such a calling can have on the lives of countless young people. There is in effect a cameo of society in each classroom and the Christian takes God and His Word incarnate into that context. We ignore them at our peril."

"Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another."

G. K. Chesterton




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