- 1-6 months
- 6-12 months
- 12-24 months
- never
When was…
- The last time teachers in your congregation were publicly prayed for
- The last time current issues in education featured in a sermon
- The last time a teacher spoke about his/her work publicly in a service
- The last time a pupil spoke about his/her work publicly in a service
- The last time a training event for teachers was publicised
- The last time a training event for administrators was publicised
- The last time a special event for teachers was held in your church/area
- The last time a local school visited your church building
- The last time a local school used your church building for a special event
- The last time a local school worker spoke at your church about their work
- The last time your church gave money to support Christian school education
- The last time the needs of children linked with the school or school were confidentially prayed for
Rate your church!
7-12 (a-c): Excellent
4-6 (a-c): Encouraging
At least 3 (a-c): Progress needed
All (d): Agenda item at next leaders' meeting!
Adapted from an article by CARE UK