
  • an accidental blog by Steve Bishop, 2008-07-13

  • Columbus and the rise of science


  • It is easy to invest huge amounts of time and money on technology without thinking very deeply about how it affects us and all our relationships. Andy Crouch on Q takes 18 minutes to consider some of the implications of a shift from tools to devices and a focus on leisure instead of rest. Education is expected to do more with technology and promote its development in every way possible. Certainly homes and the wider culture are important in shaping the perspective of children and young people regarding technology, but the more formal environment of the school and the authority of teachers also plays an important role in reinforcing or challenging trends. Andy Crouch challenges us to consider how an understanding that people are created in the image of God should influence our approach to this important area of life. It is too important to escape thoughtful reflection. Wisdom and courage will be needed to find a Christ-honoring, Biblically-informed way forward when the technology is rushing through our lives like an uncontrolled torrent.

  • "STEM education without morals, spiritual values breed intelligent criminals."

    Kwabena Opuni-Frimpong

  • In his newsletter on technology and society, The Convivial Society, Vol 2: No 11, L.M. Sacasas posted forty-one questions in "The questions concerning technology" that can help us think about the ethical implications of our tools. It is easy to act as if our tools are completely amoral, but Sacasas' questions quickly dispel that fallacy. His questions are important for both the creators and consumers of technology. He starts with

    1. What sort of person will the use of this technology make of me?
    2. What habits will the use of this technology instill?
    3. How will the use of this technology affect my experience of time?
    4. How will the use of this technology affect my experience of place?
    5. How will the use of this technology affect how I relate to other people?

    Read article here

  • Tech 2Amy Crouch in Comment, June 10, 2021, from Cardus, asks some important questions about technology's promises and suggests a new framework "centred not on ease or distraction, but flourishing. Perhaps we don’t need greater convenience in our communities and callings. Perhaps instead we need help to venture further on the straight-and-narrow path of righteousness."

    Our tech devices are designed to make life easier, but maybe ease isn’t what we need. They’re designed to captivate us, but maybe we need time to look up and around.

    Silicon Valley’s technologies promised a revolution in speed and convenience, and they certainly delivered. Yet it’s starting to look like those were the wrong promises. 24/7 communication and distraction haven’t relieved us from stress, boredom, or loneliness.

    As our lives become increasingly mediated by algorithms and machines, tech designers need to rethink those promises.

    If tech companies aren't willing to transform their priorities, all of us as users still have the responsibility to consider our personal use of the tech "gifts" that we're offered continually. That kind of personal transformation may be revolutionary, but it isn't impossible by the power of the indwelling Spirit of God.

    Read article here

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    suvajit / Pixabay

    As servants of the Lord, we are called to work for His kingdom. At our core, we seek to follow scripture’s command to love God above all, and our neighbors as ourselves. Within this body of believers, we have each been given different gifts. As a result, we live out these commands in a host of ways such as: sharing Christ’s word, working to ease suffering caused by sin, and exercising a dominion that develops and conserves the Lord’s creation. Within this diversity of callings, there is unity as each one of us seeks to shine Christ’s light in this world.

    Christian education has long held an important role in equipping citizens of Christ’s kingdom for this work. Opportunities for such learning occur across many educational levels (preschool to doctoral) and subjects (theology, humanities, sciences, and professional callings). However, the continuum of Christian education is not without gaps, noticeably in associate’s-level/two-year technical degrees.

"Thinking skills are like chewing. Knowledge is like food. Neither one makes sense without the other."

Scott Hayden




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