
  • We are bombarded by more and more information every day. One study noted that until 1900 human knowledge doubled approximately every century. By 2013 knowledge was doubling every 13 months. One can only imagine how fast knowledge is doubling today.

    What is even more mind boggling is how much data is being produced on the internet. It is now predicted that there will be 40 zettabytes of data available by the end of 2020. This is a whopping 40 trillion gigabytes! It would take a person 180 million years to download all the data that is currently on the internet.

    It is hard to comprehend what is important from all the headlines that flood our minds every second. These so-called vital facts are on topics ranging from global warming to Harry and Meghan’s exit from the Royal Family. Let me ask you a question as an example of how difficult it is to discern fact from fiction these days. What is the coronavirus and what is the real danger we are facing concerning it?

    There is one thing for certain related to information overload – we have lost our ability to discern truth! This is a big problem and it has significant impact on how we educate future generations.

  • "Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?”

    T.S. Eliot

  • "…men seem more than ever prone to confuse wisdom with knowledge, and knowledge with information, and try to solve problems of life in terms of engineering"

    TS Eliot

"Teach us to study the work of Thy hands that we may subdue the earth to our uses, and strengthen our reason for Thy service; and so rescue Thy blessed Word, that we may believe on Him whom Thou hast sent to give us the knowledge of salvation and the remission of our sins.

James Clerk Maxell




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