
  • “From a Christian philosophy of education, thoughts and actions can be derived, implemented, and defended. The elements to be considered in developing a Christian philosophy of education range from theological and doctrinal to social and educational. The first step is the development of a Biblical base. The Bible becomes the skeleton on which the practical application of our philosophy can be arranged.”

  • “…to support, encourage and challenge Christians involved in learning and teaching, whether it be in churches, pre-schools, schools (government, Christian and Anglican), colleges and universities”

  • "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

    Albert Einstein

  • This monography addresses professional educators who wish consciously to relate educational decisions to a biblical world view....It will focus mainly on two matters: a theory of knowing and a classroom methodology which is compatible with it.

  • "...the task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.”

    C.S. Lewis

  • “…a Christian educational institution engaging in the teaching-learning craft. We encourage study, discussion research and collaboration between students and scholars in pursuit of theological truth with academic excellence. …a place for learners to engage in spiritual-intellectual growth in an environment that encourages study, reflection, curiosity, discourse and collaboration through the in-depth pursuit of wisdom.” (https://www.facebook.com/comeniusinstitute)

  • "If your plan is for one year, plant rice. If your plan is for ten years plant trees. If your plan is for one hundred years, educate children."


  • "The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts."

    C. S. Lewis

  • "A teacher who is not dogmatic is simply a teacher who is not teaching."

    G. K. Chesterton

  • "The ultimate test of your knowledge is your capacity to convey it to another."

    Richard Feynman

  • "Learning must be meaningful for the learner. Do not assume that the rush you get from teaching means the learner's needs were met."

    Scott Hayden

  • "…to raise the profile of teaching as a Christian vocation and to demonstrate that there is a distinctively Christian but inclusive contribution to education”

  • A Facebook group seeking to be a catalyst for major reform of education through a biblically wholistic approach that dispenses with "sacred-secular dualism," and creates culture that is in alignment with Christ.

  • "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The greatest teacher inspires."

    William Arthur Ward

"If we do not teach children God's truth, the devil will make sure someone teaches them his lies."

Jeff Keaton




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