Higher education

  • "Education driven by discovery in Black Mountain, NC" with "16-month, immersive liberal arts program founded on the biblical narrative"

  • "networking Christian scholars and institutions worldwide" to advance "Christian higher education through professional development, scholarship, capacity building, and communication"

  • “a community of Christian scholars who encourage, equip, and engage for the glory of God”

  • child labor 934900 640
    suvajit / Pixabay

    As servants of the Lord, we are called to work for His kingdom. At our core, we seek to follow scripture’s command to love God above all, and our neighbors as ourselves. Within this body of believers, we have each been given different gifts. As a result, we live out these commands in a host of ways such as: sharing Christ’s word, working to ease suffering caused by sin, and exercising a dominion that develops and conserves the Lord’s creation. Within this diversity of callings, there is unity as each one of us seeks to shine Christ’s light in this world.

    Christian education has long held an important role in equipping citizens of Christ’s kingdom for this work. Opportunities for such learning occur across many educational levels (preschool to doctoral) and subjects (theology, humanities, sciences, and professional callings). However, the continuum of Christian education is not without gaps, noticeably in associate’s-level/two-year technical degrees.

"…men seem more than ever prone to confuse wisdom with knowledge, and knowledge with information, and try to solve problems of life in terms of engineering"

TS Eliot




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