
  • “…college-level Christian worldview education experience targeting high school juniors and seniors and college students” with the goal that students “walk passionately, think Christianly, and love others unconditionally, to the glory of God”

  • "Ein Ermutigungstreffen für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer in Baden-Württemberg"

  • “…organise conferences for school leaders and teachers in Christian Schools across Europe, drawing together different cultures, nationalities and professions within Christian education”

  • “…training Christian school leaders in how to build a Kingdom school based on the biblical philosophy of Kingdom Education”

  • “…to connect passionate Christian educators for the purpose of sharing resources, ideas and expertise so that schools can better meet their missions”

"The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator. I pray while I am engaged at my work in the laboratory."

Louis Pasteur




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