The GOD factor:
How is God present in this activity? In this place?
What does God really think about this activity?
What joy might God receive through my involvement in this activity?
How does the Lordship of Christ relate to this activity? How is He glorified through this activity? How is he dishonored?
What qualifies this activity to be “the work of God?”
The CREATION factor:
How does my work fit into God’s reason for creating the material world, and all that it contains? What unseen spiritual forces might be affecting this activity?
How does God’s ownership of all things relate to this activity? How does His ownership relate to the material blessings I enjoy as a result of this activity?
How does God’s reason for creating the world relate to this activity?
The HUMANITY factor:
What does God want me to learn in this activity?
Am I using the gifts He has given me well? Does this job fit?
How can I encourage a full release and function of God’s gifts in others through my position as a manager or owner?
Am I “carrying Christ well” at work?
Where have I seen answered prayer? Where do I need to pray more? How am I fulfilling God’s intention for my life through this activity?
How am I demonstrating that I am created in the likeness and image of God through this activity? How are my co-workers demonstrating this, whether they are followers of Christ or not?
How does this activity reinforce the intrinsic value and inherent worth of all humans around me? What physical, emotional or spiritual needs of others are being met through this activity?
How does this activity provide opportunities for a truly God-honoring life? How does it relate to my primary call to be conformed to the image of God’s Son?
How does this activity provide opportunities to be “known and read” by those around me, who may not yet know the Lord? How can I be an “agent of grace” when things are going wrong?
How does this activity provide opportunities for me to love the Lord with all my heart, mind and strength? Or to love my co-workers and customers as myself (Mark 12:30-31)?
The MORAL ORDER factor:
How has the reality of sin in a fallen world affected this activity? What can I do about it? Is justice being done in and through this activity?
What moral injunctions from the Word of God relate specifically to this activity?
The PURPOSE factor:
How can God’s will be done on the earth today, as it is in heaven, through this activity?
How does this activity fulfill The First Commission given by God to human beings: to govern over all the earth (Gen. 1:26-28)?
How does this activity provide opportunities for me to “observe all that Christ commanded,” as given in the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20?
How does this activity relate to eternity? What eternal purpose does this activity have? How might this activity relate to what will be going on in the New Earth (Revelation 21)?
How does this activity serve to reconcile all things to Christ (Col. 1)?
What does the Kingdom of God “look like” when it “comes” to this activity? This workplace?
How does this activity provide opportunities for me (by God’s grace) to be “salt” and “light” in the world? Why is this activity truly worthwhile? Why does it really matter?
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