Managing technology
It is easy to invest huge amounts of time and money on technology without thinking very deeply about how it affects us and all our relationships. Andy Crouch on Q takes 18 minutes to consider some of the implications of a shift from tools to devices and a focus on leisure instead of rest. Education is expected to do more with technology and promote its development in every way possible. Certainly homes and the wider culture are important in shaping the perspective of children and young people regarding technology, but the more formal environment of the school and the authority of teachers also plays an important role in reinforcing or challenging trends. Andy Crouch challenges us to consider how an understanding that people are created in the image of God should influence our approach to this important area of life. It is too important to escape thoughtful reflection. Wisdom and courage will be needed to find a Christ-honoring, Biblically-informed way forward when the technology is rushing through our lives like an uncontrolled torrent.